Plumeria's allevamento bedlington terriers - Plumeria's

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Allevamento bedlington terrier Plumeria's

a Plumeria's bedlington terrier dog
The real Bedlington standard
ORIGIN: Great Britain
Section 1 Large and medium sized Terriers
Without working trial
Plumeria's bedlington terrier Multi Champion
It is claimed that the Bedlington can boast a longer traceable pedigree than any other terrier and once was known as the Rothbury Terrier, hailing from the former mining areas of the north of England. His fame spread outside his native region and an association was started for the breed in 1877. Although his expression is mild he is quite capable of fending
for himself, but will not seek a scrap. He is a tough little dog, this unique breed has a lamb-like look about it, but don’t be fooled, and he is a terrier through and through. A North Country dog, originally his role was to catch rabbits for the family pot, and a sporting dog he still remains.
cucciolo Plumeria's bedlington
GENERAL APPEARANCE: A  graceful, lithe, muscular dog, with no signs of either weakness or  coarseness. Whole head pear or wedge-shaped, and expression in repose  mild and gentle.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: Body slightly greater in length than height.
BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT:  Spirited and game, full of confidence.An intelligent companion with  strong sporting instincts. Good-tempered, having an affectionate nature,  dignified, not shy or
nervous. Mild in repose but full of courage when roused.

HEAD: Covered with profuse silky top-knot which should be nearly white.

CRANIAL REGION: Skull: Narrow, but deep and rounded.
Stop: There must be no stop: the line from occiput to nose-end straight and unbroken.

Nose: Nostrils large and well defined. Blue and blue and tan must have black noses, liver and sandies must have brown noses.
Muzzle: Well filled up beneath eyes.
Lips: Close fitting, without flew.
Jaw  / Teeth: Teeth large and strong. Scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth closely  overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Eyes:  Relatively small, bright. Ideal eye has appearance of being triangular.  Blues have a dark eye; blue and tans have lighter eye with amber  lights, livers and sandies have a light hazel eye.
Ears:  Moderately sized, filbert-shaped, set on low, and hanging flat to  cheek. Thin and velvety in texture; covered with short fine hair with  fringe of whitish silky hair at tip.

NECK: Long and tapering, deep base with no tendency to throatiness. Springs well up from shoulders, and head carried rather high.

BODY: Muscular and markedly flexible.
Back: has natural arch over loin.
Loin: Arched loin with curved topline immediately above loins.
Chest: Deep and fairly broad. Flat ribbed, deep through brisket which reaches to elbow.
Underline and belly: Arched loin creating a definite tuck-up of underline.

TAIL: Moderate length, thick at root, tapering to a point and gracefully curved. Set on low, never carried over back.


FOREQUARTERS: Forelegs straight, wider apart at chest than at feet.
Shoulder: Flat and sloping.
Metacarpus (Pastern): Long and slightly sloping without weakness.
Forefeet: Long hare feet with thick and well closed-up pads. Pads sound and free from cracks or horny excrescences.

HINDQUARTERS: Muscular and moderate length. Hindlegs have appearance of being longer than forelegs.
Stifle (Knee): Moderate turn.
Metatarsus (Rear pastern): Hocks strong and well let down, turning neither in nor out.
Hind feet: Long hare feet with thick and well closed-up pads.

GAIT / MOVEMENT:  Capable of galloping at high speed and have appearance of being able to  do so. Action very distinctive, rather mincing, light and springy in  slower paces and slight roll when in full stride.

Hair:  Very distinctive. Thick and linty, standing well out from skin, but not  wiry. A distinct tendency to twist, particularly on head and face.
Colour: Blue, liver, or sandy with or without tan. Darker pigment to be encouraged.

Height  at the withers: About 41 cms. This allows for slight variation below in  the case of a bitch and above in the case of a dog.
Weight: Between 8 -10 kgs.

FAULTS:  Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault  and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in  exact proportion to its degree and its effect
upon the health and welfare of the dog.

· Aggressive or overly shy.
· Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

· Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fullydescended into the scrotum.
· Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation, should be used for breeding.

Plumeria's Bedlington Terriers

Address: Refrancore (AT), Italy

Mobile: + 39 347 9230352
Alice Varchi's

Address: Refrancore (AT), Italy

Mobile: + 39 347 9230352
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